Stop Big Tobacco from targeting Delaware kids!
Tobacco companies hook our kids with enticing flavors like gummy bear, cotton candy, mango and “smooth menthol.” Delaware legislators can protect our kids by ending the sale of all flavored tobacco products – including flavored e-cigarettes, cigars and menthol cigarettes.
About the Campaign
There’s a public health emergency unfolding right before our eyes — and the cause couldn’t be clearer.
One in four Delaware high school students have used e-cigarettes in the past 30 days. In fact, youth e-cigarette use has skyrocketed to what the U.S. Surgeon General and FDA have called “epidemic” levels. E-cigarette use among U.S. high school students jumped by 135 percent over the last two years alone.
The main cause of the problem was Juul, a sleek, high-tech e-cigarette that looks like a USB flash drive – and is small and easy to hide, comes in sweet flavors that entice kids and delivers a powerful nicotine hit. One Juul pod delivers as much nicotine as a pack of 20 cigarettes.
But Juul isn’t the only problem. There are now over 15,500 e-cigarette flavors and 200 cigar flavors, and more keep coming. These flavored tobacco products undermine Delaware’s efforts to reduce youth tobacco use: 81% of kids who have used tobacco started with a flavored product. 97% of youth e-cigarette users have used a flavored product in the past month.
Tobacco companies also continue to aggressively market menthol-favored cigarettes to kids, African-Americans and other demographic groups as they have for decades. Youth smokers are more likely to use menthol cigarettes than any other age group. Menthol cigarettes pose a tremendous public health threat – they make it easier to start smoking and harder to quit. African Americans smoke menthol cigarettes at high rates and quit smoking at lower rates, and African-American men have high death rates from lung cancer. That’s why the NAACP and others want to restrict the sale of menthol cigarettes – because they disproportionately hurt black communities.
Delaware can protect our kids by ending the sale of all flavored tobacco products, one of the most promising ways to prevent the industry from addicting our kids.

Fact Sheets and Media

atTAcK addiction
Bethel AME Church
Black Mothers in Power
Brandywine School Board
Building People Power Campaign
Cancer Care Connection
Cancer Support Community Delaware
Central Delaware NAACP Branch
Congregation Beth Emeth
Delaware Association of Nurse Anesthetists
Delaware Chapter, American Academy of Pediatrics
Delaware Healthcare Association
Delaware NAACP State Conference
Delaware School Nurse Association
Delaware Society for Clinical Oncology
Delaware State Education Association
Greater Refugee Temple
Green Beret Project
IMPACT Coalition
Interdenominational Ministerial Alliance
KIDS COUNT in Delaware
Learning Express Academy
Medical Society of Delaware
Nemours Children’s Health System
Network Delaware
Network Delaware Action
New Beginnings Community AME Church
Outloud LLC
St. Francis Healthcare Trinity Mid-Atlantic
The Delaware Cancer Consortium
Unitarian Universalist Delaware Advocacy Network
Westside Family Healthcare
Wilmington City Council